Articles about Carl R. Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach

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AHP Perspective. "Carl Rogers: A Celebration." A Special Issue in Memoriam to Carl Rogers. (May 1987): 4-11.

"American Psychological Association: Distinguished Scientific Contribution Awards for 1956 — Carl R. Rogers." The American Psychologist 12, no. 3 (March 1957): 125-133.

American Psychological Association Symposium. "Carl Rogers: Giving People Permission to Be Themselves." Science 198 (Oct. 7, 1977).

Anderson, Rob. "Frisbee and the Art of Self-Maintenance." Dawnpoint: A Magazine from the Association for Humanist Psychology (Winter 1978): 32-33.

---. "Phenomenological Dialogue, Humanistic Psychology, and Pseudo Walls: A Response and Extension." The Western Journal of Speech Communication 46, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 344-357.

Anderson, Rob, and Kenneth Cissna. "The Contributions of Carl R. Rogers to a Philosophical Praxis of Dialogue." Western Journal of Speech Communication 54 (Spring 1990): 125-147.

Arnett, Ronald C. "Rogers and Buber: Similarities, Yet Fundamental Differences." The Western Journal of Speech Communication 46, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 358-372.

Aspy, David N., and Flora N. Roebuck. "From Humane Ideas to Humane Technology and Back Again Many Times." Education (1974).

Assagioli, Roberto, M.D. "Self-Realization and Psychological Disturbances." Psychosynthesis Research Foundation, Greenville, Delaware (1961).

Bakan, David. "On Evil as a Collective Phenomenon." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 91-92.

Barrett-Lennard, Godfrey T. "The Client-Centered System: A Developmental Perspective." University of Waterloo, April 1973.

---. "The Empathy Cycle: Refinement of a Nuclear Concept." The Journal of Counseling Psychology 28, no. 2 (1981).

---. "Experiential Learning Groups." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 11, no. 1 (Spring 1974).

---. "A New Model of Communicational-Relational Systems in Intensive Groups." Human Relations 32 (19 Nov. 1979):841-849.

---. "Outcomes of Residential Encounter Group Workshops." Interpersonal Development 5 (1974/1975): 86-93.

---. "Process, Effects, and Structure in Intensive Groups: A Theoretical-Descriptive Analysis." In Theories of Group Processes. Ed. C. L. Cooper. London/New York: Wiley 1975.

---. "The Relationship Inventory: Issues and Advances in Theory, Method, and Use." In The Psychotherapeutic Process: A Research Handbook. Eds. L. Greenberg and W. M. Pinsoff. New York: Guildford Press.

---. "Some Effects of Participation in Encounter Group Workshops: An Analysis of Written Follow-Up Reports." Interpersonal Development 5 (1973/1974): 35-41.

---. "South Pacific Adventure: Carl and Helen Rogers in Australia." Person-Centered Review 2, no. 3 (Aug. 1987), 299-306.

---. "Toward a Person-Centered Theory of Community." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 34 (Summer 1994).

"Behavior Theories and a Counseling Case: A Symposium." Journal of Counseling Psychology 3, no. 2 (1956).

Barrineau, P. "Person-Centered Dream Work." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 32 (Winter 1992).

Bern, Sandra, and Daryl Bern. "Training the Woman to Know Her Place." Newsletter of Journal Of Humanistic Psychology.

Bengis, Ingrid. "What We Do Not Say Is That We Are All, Every Last One of Us, Scared of Love’s Power to Create and Destroy." Ms. Magazine 1973(?)

Bergin, Allen. "’Carl Rogers’ Contribution to a Fully Functioning Psychology." In Creative Developments in Psychotherapy 1. Eds. Alvin R. Mahrer and Leonard Pearson. Cleveland, Ohio: The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1971.

Berzon, Betty, and Lawrence N. Solomon. "Research Frontiers — The Self-Directed Therapeutic Group: Three Studies." Journal of Counseling Psychology 13, no. 4 (1966).

Bixler, Ray, and Julius Seeman. "Suggestions for a Code of Ethics for Consulting Psychologists." Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 41, no. 4 (1946).

Bohart, A. "Empathy in Client-Centered Therapy: A Contrast with Psychoanalysis and Self Psychology." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 31 (Winter 1991).

Bold, Kathryn. "Carl Rogers in Retrospect." La Jolla Light 1982.

Bondarenko, A. F. "My Encounter with Carl Rogers: A Retrospective View from the Ukraine." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Winter 1999).

Bozarth, Jerold D. "Beyond Reflection: Emergent Modes of Empathy." University of Georgia (Aug. 1987).

---. "Not Necessarily Necessary But Always Sufficient." University of Georgia (Aug. 1987).

---. "Person-Centered Assessment." Journal of Counseling and Development 69 (May/June 1991).

---. "Person-Centered Facilitation, the Group and the Development of the Person-Centered Association." Renaissance, pp. 15-16.

---. "Rejoinder: Perplexing Perceptual Ploys." Journal of Counseling and Development 69 (May/June 1991).

---. "Some Commonalties and Divergencies in the Client-Centered Approach." University of Georgia (Aug. 1987).

Braaten, Leif J. "The Effects of Person-Centered Group Therapy." Person-Centered Review 4, no. 2 (May 1989): 183-209.

---. "How Do Clients Discriminate Between the Person-Centered Facilitating Conditions in Group Psychotherapy? A Factorial Model." University of Oslo. Oslo 3, Norway.

---. "The Self Development Project List: A New Instrument to Measure Positive Goal Attainment." Reprint from Small Group Behavior 20, no. 1 (Feb. 1989): 3-23.

---. "Thirty Years with Rogers. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change." Person-Centered Review 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1986): 37-49.

Brenman, Margaret. "Research in Psychotherapy Round Table: 1947." The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 18, no. 1 (Jan. 1948).

Brink, Debora C. "The Issues of Equality and Control in the Client- or Person-Centered Approach." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 24, no. 1 (Winter 1987): 27-37.

Brown, Robert C. "Rejoinder to Rogers by Robert C. Brown and James T. Tedeschi." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12, no. 2 (Fall 1972).

Brown, Robert C. and J. Tedeschi. "Graduate Education in Psychology: A Comment on Rogers' Passionate Statement." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Spring 1972).

Burstow, Bonnie. "Humanistic Psychotherapy and the Issue of Equality." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 1 (Winter 1987): 9-25.

Cartwright, Rosalind Dymond. "Patterns of Perceived Interpersonal Relations." Sociometry XIX, no 3 (1956).

Caspary, W. "Carl Rogers–Values, Persons, and Politics: The Dialectic of Individual and Community." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Fall 1991).

Ceshur Connection. "Carl Rogers Memorial Issue." Ceshur Connection 2, nos. 1 and 2 (Dec. 1987)

Ceshur Connection. The International Newsletter of the Centre for Studies in Human Relations. 1, no. 1 (April 1985); A, nos. 2 and 3 (Nov. 1985/June 1986); 1, no. 4 (Dec. 1986).

Cissna, Kenneth N., and Rob Anderson. "The 1957 Martin Buber-Carl Rogers Dialogue, as Dialogue." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Winter 1994).

---. "The Person-Centered Approach to Interpersonal Communication." The Florida Communication Journal XX, no. 2 (1992).

Cooper, Shirley. "A Look at the Effect of Racism on Clinical Work." Social Casework (Feb. 1973): 76-84.

De Rasa, Alison. "’Getting to Know You’: Modern Day Theme Song for Mothers and Daughters." San Diego Tribune, The Tribune Scene (10 May 1979).

De Rosenber, Annette, and Sara Jenton. "Remaining Human in the Nuclear/Computer Age." University Without Walls, UCSD (July 1983).

"The Development of Client-Centered Therapy — Looking Back and Ahead: A Conversation with Carl Rogers." Eds. J. T. Hart and T. M. Tomlinson. New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. 1970.

Dolliver, Robert H. "Carl Rogers’ Emphasis on His Own Direct Experience." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Carl Rogers Issue 35, no. 4 (Fall 1995).

---. "Carl Rogers' Personality Theory and Psychotherapy as a Reflection of His Life Experience and Personality." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Carl Rogers Issue 35, no. 4 (Fall 1995)

Fairfield, Roy. "Preface." In Person-Centered Graduate Education. Elmhurst, IL. Hagle and Company, 1977.

Fenly, Leigh. "Carl Rogers: Bestowing the Freedom to Be. An Interview by Leigh Fenly." San Diego Union July 1, 1978.

---. "Meditation Plan Sounds Familiar to Authors." San Diego Union Oct. 12, 1982.

Ford, G. "Rogerian Self-Actualization: A Clarification of Meaning." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Spring 1991).

Friedman, Maurice. "Comment on the Rogers-May Discussion of Evil." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 2, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 93-96.

---. "Reflections on the Buber-Rogers Dialogue." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Winter 1994).

Fuller, Robert. "Carl Rogers, Religion, and the Role of Psychology in American Culture." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22, no. 4 (Fall 1982): 21-32.

Geller, Leonard. "The Failure of Self-Actualization Theory, a Critique of Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow." Reprint of Journal of Humanistic Psychology Article.

Gendlin, Eugene T. "Carl Rogers (1902-1987)." American Psychologist (Feb. 1988).

Gillette, Tom, Betty Meador, and Bruce Meador. "On Carl Rogers." Voices (Spring 1971).

Ginther, Claire. "A Legacy Enhanced: Natalie Rogers’ Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Institute Expands on the Work of Her Famous Father." Psychiatric Times (Dec. 1996).

Gordon, Thomas, et al. "Developing a Program of Research in Psychotherapy." The Psychological Service Center Journal.

Graf, C. "On Genuineness and the Person-Centered Approach: A Reply to Quinn." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Spring 1994).

Greening, Thomas. "Carl Rogers: 1902-1987." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 2 (Spring 1987): 134-140.

---. "Commentary by the Editor." Journal of Humanistic Psychology: Carl Rogers Issue 35, no. 4 (Fall 1995).

Gunnison, Hugh. "The Uniqueness of Similarities: Parallels of Milton H. Erickson and Carl Rogers." Journal of Counseling & Development 63, no. 9 [no year listed]: 561-654.

Haigh, Gerard. "I Walk Softly Through Life: An Interview with Carl Rogers." Voices 18, no. 4 (Winter 1983): 6-14.

Hall, Mary Harrington. "Carl Rogers Speaks Out on Groups and the Lack of a Human Science: An Interview." Psychology Today (Dec. [no year listed]): 19-21, 62-66.

Hatase, Minoru. "A Comparative Study of Encounter Group Experiences in Japan and the USA Through a Follow-Up Survey of Japanese Participants in La Jolla Program." Japanese Journal of Humanistic Psychology no. 2 (1984): 79-97.

Hearn, Curry B. "Personality Integration and Perception of Interpersonal Relationship." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 18, no. 2 (1971).

Henderson, Val. "Choreography in Long-Term Relationships." Journey 1, no. 3 (March 1982).

Heppner, P. Paul, Mark E. Rogers, and Lucienne A. Lee. "Carl Rogers: Reflections on His Life." Journal of Counseling and Development 63 (Sept. 1984).

Hill-Hain, Alicia. "A Dialogue with Carl Rogers: Cross-Cultural Challenges of Facilitating Person-Centered Groups in South Africa." Journal for Specialists in Group Work 13 (May 1988).

Hobbs, Tony. "The Rogers Interview: Discussion of Carl’s Ideas on Therapy and Education." Changes 4, no. 4 (Oct. 1986).

Jacobs, David. "Successful ‘Empathy’ Training: A Demonstration with Implications for the General Theoretical Problem of Evaluating Capacity from Performance." Reprint of article in Journal of Humanistic Psychology (1980).

Kahn, E. "A Critique of Non-Directivity in the Person-Centered Approach." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Fall 1999).

Kemper, Cynthia Warwick. "An Encounter with Carl Rogers." (Interview) Respublica Claremont Men’s College I, no. 1 (1973): 41-51.

Kirschenbaum, Howard. "Denigrating Carl Rogers: William Coulson’s Lost Crusade." Journal of Counseling and Development 69 (May/June 1991): 411-413.

Kramer Robert. "The Birth of Client-Centered Therapy: Carl Rogers, Otto Rank and ‘The Beyond’." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 35 no. 4 (Fall 1995).

Krause, Merton S. "Alternative Psychologies." Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago.

---. "An Analytical Reconstruction of Rogers’ Theory of Personality." University of Chicago Counseling Center Discussion Papers IV, No. 6 (1958).

Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth. "A Letter to a Child with Cancer." Shanti Nilaya, 1979.

Kutash, Irwin L., ed. "Foreword, Preface, Contents, Editor’s Information, and Contributors." In Psychotherapists’ Casebook. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1986.

Larson, Dale. "Therapeutic Schools, Styles, and Schoolism: A National Survey." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 20, no. 3 (1980).

Lazarus, Arnold A., and Clifford N. Lazarus. "Let Us Not Forsake the Individual Nor Ignore the Data: A Response to Bozarth." Journal of Counseling and Development 69 (May/June 1991).

Lepkowski, Wil. "The Social Thermodynamics of Ilya Prigogine." Chemical and Engineering News April 16, 1979.

Lukas, Betty. "Backyard Pioneering." Los Angeles Times July 31, 1980.

---. "The World According to Ilya Prigogine." Quest.

Macy, Francis U. "Mission to Moscow Succeeds." AHP Perspective (Feb. 1986).

---. "The Legacy of Carl Rogers in the U.S.S.R." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 3 (Summer 1987).

May, Rollo. "The Problem of Evil: An Open Letter to Carl Rogers." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22, no. 3 (Summer 1982): 10-21.

Mcwhinney, Bonnie. "Seven Years Later — ‘Dear Carl.’" (With a Response: "Dear Bonnie" by Carl Rogers.) Education 95, no. 2 (1974): 190-196.

Merry, Tony. "Counselliing and Creativity: An Interview with Natalie Rogers." British Journal of Guidance and Counselling 25, no. 2 (1997): 263-273.

Metzler, Karen M. "Growing Up Hospitalized and Handicapped." A.C.C.H. Newsletter. (1973): 15-19.

Nelson, Marie Coleman. "What’s Inside the Pants? With Comment By Nathaniel J. Raskin: A Positive Alternative to the Paradigmatic Encounter." Voices 13, no. 2 (1977).

Noel, Joseph R. "I-We-Thou Multi-Centered Counseling and Psychotherapy." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 18, no. 4.

Odom, Linda. "A Study of Family Communication Patterns and Personality Integration in Children." Child Psychiatry and Human Development 1, no. 4 (Summer 1971): 275-285.

O’Hara, Maureen. "Alert! Alert! Alert!" Inside AHP (1989): 16.

---. "Carl Rogers: Scientist and Mystic." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 35, no. 4 (Fall 1995).

---. "Comment on Carl Rogers’ ‘Toward a More Human Science of the Person.’" Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25, no. 4 (Fall 1985): 25-30.

---. "Of Myths and Monkeys: A Critical Look at a Theory of Critical Mass." Journal of Humanistic Psychology.

O’Hara, Maureen, and John K. Wood. "Patterns of Awareness: Consciousness and the Group Mind." The Gestalt Journal VI, no. 2: pp. 103-116.

"Peacemakers: an Interview with Carl Rogers." Holistic Living News 7, no. 3 (Dec. 1984/Jan. 1985).

Peters, H. "Prouty's Pre-Therapy Applied to Mentally Handicapped People." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Fall 1999).

Pitts, Carl E. "Twelve Years Later: A Reply to Carl Rogers." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 13, no. 1 (Winter 1973): 75-81.

Prigogine, Ilya. "Prigogine’s Science of Becoming." Brain Mind Bulletin 4, no. 13 (21 May 1979).

Prouty, Garry F. "Pre-Therapy: A Method of Treating Pre-Expressive Psychotic and Retarded Patients." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 13, no. 3 (Fall 1976): 290-294.

---. "Protosymbolic Method: A Phenomenological Treatment of Schizophrenic Hallucinations." Journal of Mental Imagery 2 (1977): 339-342.

Quinn, R. "Confronting Carl Rogers: A Developmental-Interactional Approach to Person-Centered Therapy." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Winter 1993).

Raskin, Nathaniel. "Becoming — a Therapist, a Person, a Partner, a Parent, a…" Psychotherapy Theory, Research and Practice 15, no. 4 (1978): 362-370.

---. "Carl Rogers: A Biographical Supplement from the International Encyclopedia.’’ Social Science. pp. 671-675.

---. "Client-Centered Counseling and Psychotherapy." Clinical Psychological 1, sec. 1 (1952): 236-248.

---. "The Development of Non-Directive Therapy." Journal of Consulting Psychology 12 (1948): 92-110.

---. "Learning Through Human Encounters." Improving College and University Teaching 23, no. 2 (Spring 1975): 71-74.

---. "An Objective Study on the Locus of Evaluation Factor in Psychotherapy." In Success in Psychotherapy. Eds. W. Wolff and J. A. Poecker. New York: Gunn and Stratton, 1952.

---. "Play Therapy With Blind Children." Nart News IV, no. 2 (1954).

---. "The Scope of Carl Rogers" VOICES Editorial Amalgam (Fall 1978): 12-13.

Raskin, Nathaniel J., and Ferdinand Van Der Veen. "Client-Centered Family Therapy: Some Clinical and Research Perspectives." In New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. Eds. J. T. Hart and T. M. Tomlinson. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1970.

"Renaissance." Quarterly Newsletter of the Person-Centered Therapy Network 1, no. 4 (Fall 1984) and 2, no. 3 (Summer 1985).

Rhodes, William C., Julius Seeman, Charles D. Spielberger, and Robert F. Stepbach. "The Multi-Problem Neighborhood Project." Community Mental Health 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1966): 3-12.

Roache, Joel. "Confessions of a Househusband." MS Magazine.

Robinson, Edward H. "Education for the 1980s and Beyond: An Interview With Carl Rogers." Humanistic Education and Development (March 1985).

Roethlisberger, F. J. "Readings in Human Relations." Harvard Business School, Division of Research 1954.

Rogers, David E., M.D. "AIDS: An Expanding Tragedy." National Commission on AIDS. Washington, 1993.

---. "The Doctor Himself Must Become the Treatment." Alpha Omega Honor Medical Society 3, no. 4 (1974): 124-129.

Rogers, Helen. "A Wife’s Eye View of Carl Rogers." Voices. American Academy of Psychotherapists 1, no. 1 (Fall 1965).

Rogers, Natalie. "Changes in Self-Concept in the Case of Mrs. Ett." Personal Counselor, University of Chicago 2 (1947): 278-291.

---. "The Creative Connection: The Concept, and the Healing Aspects of Movement and Writing (Part I)." Somatics IX, no. 2 (Spring/Summer 1993): 10-12.

"The Creative Connection: The Concept, and the Healing Aspects of Movement and Writing (Part II)." Somatics IX, no. 3 (Fall/Winter 1993-4): 10-17.

---. "Discovering Spirituality through the Arts." Create 3, (1992): 93-101.

---. "Express Yourself." AHP Perspective (April 1985): 14-15.

---. "Fostering Creative Expression in the Soviet Union." New Realities (March/April 1990): 28-34.

---. "On Carl Rogers’ 87th Birthday: A Daughter’s Evocation." Noetic Sciences Review (Spring 1989): 24-25.

---. "Pain Transformed: Expressive Therapy in the Soviet Union." AHP Perspective (Aug/Sept 1991): 10-11.

---. "Person-Centered Expressive Arts Therapy." Creation Spirituality March/April 1993:28-30.

---. "Sacred Space: Using Expressive Arts to Build Community." Earth Circles 4, no. 3 (Fall 1993): 1-6.

---. "Using Expressive Arts to Communicate Across Boundaries." AHP Perspective (July 1992): 16.

---. "Women, Power, and the Future." Journal of Humansitic Education 5 (Spring 1981): 1-7.

Rogers, Natalie, Francis Macy, and Claire Fitzgerald. " Fostering Creative Expression in the Soviet Union: A U.S. Team Reports on Facilitating Workshops in the U.S.S.R." New Realities 1989: 28-34.

Ryback, David. "Towards Power and Joy in Humanistic Teaching." Journal of Humanistic Education (Spring 1980).

Sackett, Samuel J. "The Application of Rogerian Theory to Literary Study." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 35, no. 4 (Fall 1995).

Sanford, Ruth. "Unconditional Positive Regard: A Misunderstood Way of Being." Center for Interpersonal Growth, Long Island, NY, Dec. 1984.

Seeman, Julius. "Client-Centered Therapy." Progress in Clinical Psychology. Gunn and Stratton, 1956: 98-113.

---. "Counselor Judgements of Therapeutic Process and Outcome." In Psychotherapy and Personality Change. Eds. C. R. Rogers and R. F. Dymond. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954.

---. "Deception in Psychological Research." American Psychologist 24, no. 11 (1969): 1025-1028.

---. "An Investigation of Client Reactions to Vocational Counseling." Journal of Consulting Psychology XII, no. 2 (1949): 794-797.

---. "On Continuity and Change in the Person-Centered Approach." Renaissance 8, no. 2 (1987): 99-108.

---. "On Supervising Student Research." American Psychologist 28, no. 10 (1973): 900-906.

---. "Personality Integration as a Criterion of Therapy Outcome." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 1, no. 1. (Aug. 1963).

---. "Personality Integration in College Women." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4, no. 1 (1966): 91-93.

---. "Perspectives in Client-Centered Therapy in Women." B.B. Handbook of Clinical Psychologists. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965: 1215-1229.

---. "The Psychological Center: A Historical Note." American Psychologist 23, no. 7 (1968): 522-523.

---. "Psychotherapy." Annual Review of Psychology 12 (1961): 157-161.

---. "Psychotherapy and Perceptual Behavior." Journal of Clinical Psychology XVII, no. 1: 34-37.

---. "Reaction to Bozarth." Journal of Counseling and Development 69 (May/June 1991).

---. "Research Perspectives in Client-Centered Therapy." In Mower, O. H. Psychotherapy: Theory and Research. New York: Ronald Press, 1951: 205-234.

---. "A Study of Client Self-Selection of Tests in Vocational Counseling." Educational and Psychological Measurement 8, no. 3 (Autumn 1948): 327-346.

---. "A Study of Preliminary Interview Methods in Vocational Counseling." Journal of Consulting Psychology XII, no. 5 (1948): 321-330.

---. "A Study of the Process of Non-Directive Therapy." Journal of Consulting Psychology XII, no. 3 (1949): 157-167.

---. "Teacher Judgements of High and Low Adjustments." Journal of Educational Research 57, no. 4 (Dec. 1963): 213-216.

---. "A Therapeutic Approach to Reading Difficulties." Journal of Consulting Psychology 18, no. 6 (1954): 451-453.

---. "Therapy in Other Countries and Cultures." Psychotherapy. pp. 162-194.

Seeman, Julius, Edyth Barry, and Charlotte Ellinwood. "Interpersonal Assessment of Play Therapy Outcome." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 1, no. 2 (Jan. 1964): 63-66.

Seeman, Julius, and Larry Seeman. "Emergent Trends in the Practice of Clinical Psychology." Professional Psychology (May 1973): 151-157.

Seeman, Julius, and Paul Williams. "Applied Research and Public Policy: A Study in Urban Relocation." Community Mental Health Journal 7, no. 2 (1971): 99-106.

Shapiro, Deane, and Steven Zifferblatt. "Zen Meditation and Behavioral Self-Control: Similarities, Differences, and Clinical Application." American Psychologist 31, no. 7 (July 1976): 519-532.

Shaw, Suzanne M. "Teachers in Transition: The Need for Freedom Within." Education 95, no. 2 (1974): 140-144.

Shedlin, Arthur J. "Case of Mr. San: Second Interview." The Personal Counselor: A Newsletter 2, no. 1 (1947): 44-56.

---. "Case of Mr. San: Third Interview." The Personal Counselor: A Newsletter 2, no. 2 (1947): 77-94.

---. "Case of Mr. San: Fourth Interview." The Personal Counselor: A Newsletter 2, no. 3 (1947): 180-193.

---. "Case of Mr. San: Sixth Interview." The Personal Counselor: A Newsletter 2, no. 6 (1947): 341-348.

---. "A Student-Centered Class." The Personal Counselor: A Newsletter 2, no. 2 (1947): 116-131.

Sheehy, Gail. "Why Mid-Life Crisis Time for Couples." New York Magazine. pp. 31-35.

Shlien, John M. "Theory As Autobiography: The Man and the Movement." Contemporary Psychology 37, no. 10 (1992): 1082-1084.

Slack, Sylvia. "Reflections on a Workshop With Carl Rogers." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25, no. 2 (Spring 1985): 35-42.

Slater, Philip E. "Sexual Adequacy in America." Intellectual Digest Nov. 1973: 17-20.

Sollod, Robert. "Carl Rogers and the Origins of Client-Centered Therapy." Professional Psychology (Feb. 1978): 93-104.

Solomon, Lawrence N. "Building the Image of Peace." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 26, no. 4 (Fall 1986): 108-116.

---. "Humanism and the Training of Applied Behavioral Scientists." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 7, no. 5 (1971): 531-547.

---. "Inquiry Through Encounter." In McGraw, W., ed. Journey Into Self. W.E.B.S., 1968.

---. "A Personal Growth Program for Self-Directed Groups." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 6, no. 5 (1970): 427-451.

---. "A Note on the Ethical Implications of Values Research." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 10, no. 1 (Spring 1970): 30-32.

---. "Declaration: The Person-Centered Approach and International Relations International Tension-Reduction through The Person-Centered Approach." Special Issue: Carl Rogers' Person-Centered Approach to Peace and Citizen Diplomacy: Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 3 (Summer 1987).

Stephenson, William. "Scientific Creed-1961: Philosophical Credo, Scientific Creed- 1961: Abductive Principles, Scientific Creed-1961:The Centrality of Self." Psychological Record 11, no. 1 (Jan. 1961).

Stillwell, William. "The Process of Mysticism: Carlos Castaneda." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 19, no. 4 (Fall 1979): 6-29.

Super, Donald E. "Comment on Carl Rogers’ Obituary." American Psychologist (Aug. 1989): 1161.

Swenson, Gay Leah. "Grammar and Growth: A ‘French Connection’." Education 95, no. 2 (1974): 115-127.

---. "When Personal and Political Processes Meet: The Rust Workshop." Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 3 (Summer 1987): 309-332.

Taucsh, Reinhard. "Facilitative Dimensions in Interpersonal Relations: Verifying the Theoretical Assumptions of CRR." College Student Journal 12, no. 1 (1978): 2-11.

---. "The Supplementation of Client-Centered Communication Therapy With Other Validated Therapeutic Methods: A Client-Centered Necessity." Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the Nineties. Eds. Germain Lietaer, J. Rombauts, and R. Van Balen. Leuven/Belgium: Leuven University Press, 1990: 447-455.

Tobin, S. "A Comparison of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and Carl Rogers's Person-Centered Therapy." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology (Winter 1991).

Thayer, Louis. "An Interview With Carl R. Rogers: Toward Peaceful Solutions to Human Conflict, Parts I and II." Michigan Journal of Counseling and Development XVII, no. 1 (Summer 1987).

---. "A Person-Centered Approach to Family Therapy." Family Counseling and Therapy. Eds. A. M. Horne and M. M. Ohlsen. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc. 1982: 175-212.

Thomas, Murphy, and Julius Seeman. "Criterion Measures for Therapy Outcome: A Study on Personality Integration." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 8, no. 1 (Spring 1971): 26-30.

---. "Personality Integration and Cognitive Processes." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 24, no. 2 (1972): 154-161.

Toms, Michael. "Expressive Therapy: Creativity as a Path to Peace: A Conversation with Natalie Rogers." Ed. Mary McClary. New Realities (Jan/Feb 1988): 13-17.

Tritt, Donald. "Cognitions of Self As Learner: A Necessary Objective in Experiential Education." Psychological Reports 69 (1991): 591-598.

Ueland, Brenda. "Tell Me More: On the Fine Art of Listening." Utne Reader 1992: 104-109.

Van Der Veen, Ferdinand. "Client Perception of Therapist Conditions As a Factor in Psychotherapy." New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. Chapter 11. Eds. J. T. Hart and T. M. Tomlinson. New York: Houghton-Mifflin, 1970: 214-222.

---. "Recent Trends in the Client-Centered Framework." New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. Eds. J. T. Hart and, and T. M. Tomlinson. New York: Houghton-Mifflin, 1970: 23-32.

---. "You Can’t Feel Your Thoughts: A Clinical Note on the Experience of Schizophrenia." Voices (Spring 1974): 26-31.

Van Der Veen, Ferdinand, and N. Raskin. "Client-Centered Family Therapy: Some Clinical and Research Perspectives." In New Directions in Client-Centered Therapy. Eds. J. T. Hart, and T. M. Tomlinson. New York. 1970: 387-406.

Van Kalmthout, Martin A. "The Religious Dimension of Rogers's Work." Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 35 no. 4 (Fall 1995).

Villas-Boas Bowen, Maria. "Personality Differences and Person-Centered Supervision." Person-Centered Review 1, no. 3 (Aug. 1986): 291-309.

---. "Special Characteristics of the Rust Workshop and Their Influence on My Facilitation Process." Journal Of Humanistic Psychology 27, no. 3 (Summer 1987).

Wager, Jon. "Field Study as a State of Mind." In Field Study: A Sourcebook for Experiential Learning. Ed. L. Borzak. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981: pp. 18-49.

White, Alvin M. "Effective Approaches to Faculty Development." Chapter in Effective Approaches to Faculty Development. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges.

---. "Humanistic Mathematics: An Experiment." Education 95, no. 2, 1974: 128-133.

---. "Process and Environmental in Teaching and Learning." Prepublication of Chapter in Interdisciplinary: Examples and Explorations. Jossey-Bass Inc. 1979.

Wood, John T. "Carl Rogers, Gardener." Human Behavior Dec. 1972: 17-22.

Wood, John K. "Living with Life Changes." Center for Studies of the Person.

---. "Person-Centered Group Therapy." In Gazda, G. Basic Approaches to Group Psychotherapy and Group Counseling, 1980.

Zeig, Jeffrey K., ed. "Introduction: The Evolution of Psychotherapy — Fundamental Issues." The Evolution of Psychotherapy. New York, Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 1987.